Editing the documentary so far has been great fun! Since last year's Features for Change project in university, I found myself really enjoying editing clips to tell a story. It has been quite difficult to make my documentary flow without my own voiceover or PTC's, but I was previously advised by my tutor to include written graphics and record voice overs with David and Mel which would help connect the shots of my documentary together. This was great advice, and has really helped the fluidity and construction of my doc. I knew this would be challenging, however I really want to try and tell the story through David, which is also a typical BBC One Show style of broadcasting, letting the subject tell their story.
I originally began my documentary with David introducing his family in the park, but then thought about starting with a mash-up of David's 365 Challenge videos. The fast-paced editing would engage the viewer and tease them into watching more to find out what the challenge is about. I then wanted to introduce David and his family in the park, giving viewers background into his life and also offering similarity's between lifestyle through his marriage and family, before going into the story of his traumatic past. I don't want to make my documentary too serious/heavy for the audience so wanted to build a connection at the beginning, again a typical style of The One Show when broadcasting an inspirational story.