The 365 Challenge was created by David Baum, a 59-year-old business man from Bushey, Hertfordshire. It evolved out of the 22 x 22 x 22 challenge, which started in the United States, recognising that 22 ex-service men and women commit suicide every day due to Post-Traumatic stress disorder.
David worked out that this equated to 8030 ex-service personnel, this however did not take into consideration the thousands of men, women and children who are diagnosed every year with PTSD. So he decided to create his own challenge and extend it from 22 days to 365 days.
The 365 Challenge is split into four parts:
1. Day 1 to 99 - The participant has to perform 22 reps of a different exercise every day.
2. Day 100 to 199 - The number of reps increases to 30 a day.
3. Day 200 to 299 - 40 reps a day.
4. Day 300 to 365 - 50 reps a day.
Then, when you're ready, you can film yourself doing the challenge and share it online to help spread the awareness of PTSD and mental health problems, for example:
“My name is Lucy Thomas and I’m taking part in The 365 Challenge in association with The Gym Group & Mind to raise awareness of the effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder & Mental Health disorders, today I’m doing 22 reps of (name the activity), please like and share”.